The Springett and Campion Educational Trust offers awards of up to £1000 for students in further or higher education

The Springett and Campion Educational Trust awards a grant of up to £1000 each year to residents of East Chiltington and Westmeston.

The grant is for students proceeding to, or already taking, a course of further or higher education. The student must be aged 25 or under at the date of the commencement of the award.

Applications are eligible from students who are undertaking post-16 education (e.g. A-levels, International Baccalaureate, Higher National Diplomas, Foundation learning, apprenticeships, training courses) as well as post-18 learning that takes place at universities, colleges and institutions (e.g. undergraduate and Masters’ degrees [not PhD], professional qualifications and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) modules).

Details of the bursary, which is a usually a single competitive award, and the simple application form, can be obtained from the Secretary of the Trust:

Professor Phil Ashworth 2 Perry Cottages,
The Ridge, Streat, East Sussex, BN6 8RT


Completed application forms must be received by the Secretary (preferably by email) by 1st October every year.

Trustees Harold Rowling, Phil Ashworth, Justin Fleming

East Chiltington Parish Council offers small grants to groups or organisations that directly benefit residents of the parish.

Grants are not available to individuals.

You can download the application form or email the clerk. This form must be signed and returned to the clerk by 1st September. Your application will be considered by the council at its November meeting and if approved, you will be asked to provide the council with a copy of the latest accounts available for your group or organisation or a copy of the constitution for the group.