Sports and games

The Hollycroft Field is situated at the bottom of the cluster of housing at Hollycroft. There is a children’s playground, basketball court, football goals, all-weather table tennis table, and the ‘rotunda’ – an open sided shelter and meeting place, built by a team of community volunteers in 2010. For more on the building of the rotunda, see the ‘gallery’ pages

Other sports and games are available in nearby Plumpton:

Plumpton and East Chiltington Good neighbours scheme

A good neighbours scheme has been initiated in Plumpton and this is being extended to East Chiltington. The aim is to provide support and practical help to residents in need, whether temporary (for example as a result of an operation) or ongoing, because of age, disability, or living alone. Any residents who are interested in volunteering, or feel that they may benefit, please contact either David Richards on 01273 890267 or Linda Watson on 01273 323244.

The Phone Box ‘Library’

In 2011 our phone box was ‘adopted’ and renovated by the Parish Council. It is now home to a book swap. The rules are simple: deposit any books here that you would like to share with others in the parish and take any that you fancy – no need to return. Please try to keep the ‘library’ tidy and up to date with interesting and diverse content!


The allotments are located behind the Hollycroft field on land owned by The East Chiltington Trust. Our first growing season was in 2016 and resulted in some fabulous produce. Allotments are held by individuals/families but we work together on tasks such a maintaining the paths, fence and hedge. If you think you would like to take an allotment, then please get in touch with Josie Peach via the contact form above.

Community orchard

The community orchard opposite the Jolly Sportsman was planted in 2011 and is managed by TECT. It is now beginning to bear fruit, which is free to all residents.

Pre-school childcare

There is no formal pre-school childcare in East Chiltington. However, there are pre-schools at: