Vacancy on the Parish Council

PARISH OF EAST CHILTINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, that due to the resignation of Patrick David, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council. If by 24th June 2024 (14* days after the date of this notice) a request for […]

Parish Village day

The annual East Chiltington community ‘get together’ will take place at Hollycroft recreation ground off Chapel Lane on July 6th. Starting at 3.00pm, there will be a cake contest, fancy dress, races and events with afternoon teas and an evening BBQ with music and dancing. All East Chiltington residents are invited to join in this […]

Lewes District Local Plan consultation events

Public consultation on the Lewes District Local Plan commenced on 29th November 2023, and following the online webinars explaining the Lewes District Local Plan, a series of in person consultation drop-in events are to take place across the plan area in mid-January. Drop in events will take place at the following: Saturday 6-Jan Newick* 10-12pm Newick […]

£1,000 awards for Students in further and higher education

£1,000 awards are available to local students age between 16 and 25 going into further or higher education. The deadline for application is 31 October. See the Grants section of the website for further details.

Eton Town “not deliverable”

Lewes Council Publish Preferred Options for development Lewes have published their decision on potential sites for development. The good news for East Chiltington is North Barnes Farm (the proposed site for the Eton Town development) has been assessed as ‘Not deliverable or Developable’ and therefore is considered to NOT be a suitable location for development […]

Parish Priority Statement

Following a survey of residents for the South Downs Park, we now have the results. A very high response of 122 people from 173 households in the Parish made it very clear they did not want to see development in the Parish, and if anything favoured further re-wilding initiatives. To see all the results of […]

East Chiltington Trust

Please find the link to the East Chiltington Trust Website here;

Managing your data – privacy and data management statement

Privacy and data management statement East Chiltington Parish Council, which manages this website, takes the protection of your data seriously. Our aim is to provide a personalised and valuable service whilst safeguarding our users’ privacy. Collecting some personal information is necessary if we are to satisfy the expectations and requirements of our users and we […]